Alex & Aleah // Federal Way Engagement

Meet Alex & Aleah who are two amazing people that God made perfectly for one another!

On an unusually sunny and beautiful January day, Alex, Aleah, my assistant, and I went to Dash Point State Park to capture their engagement images. The day was amazingly gorgeous for a Saturday afternoon in January!! 

I don't want to keep you at the start of this post for to long. I do want to share how I know this adorable couple, but before I do that I'm going to give you a few fun facts about Alex and Aleah.

They grew up together as kids, they lived right down the road from each other, they both have a personal relationship with Christ, they each come from a family with lots of kids, they started dating January last year, they got engaged in September (9 months after dating), their wedding is set for this April, and their (ship) name is Alexiah.

A love that grows stronger with each passing day.
Hand in hand. Together. Forever
— Anonymous

I am so thrilled for this beautiful couple, not only because I was able to photograph such a unique and important moment in their life, but our friendship runs much deeper than photographer and clients. You see, Aleah and I have known each other since I was 9. We attended the same church and played together every Sunday. On one of those Sundays, when Aleah and I were much older and more content with a conversation then playing on the playground, she turned to me and said, "One day, when I get married, you're going to be in my wedding." As the years went by and the two of us grew and were molded into the people we are today. Aleah and I kept in touch, talking here and there, saw each other at birthday parties and weddings. Only one special January day in 2017, I emailed Aleah and learned there was a guy that had captured her heart. With everything that she told me about this "Amazing" guy. I knew that he was perfect for her and that they would one day marry. Now, fast forward to last September, when she told me she was engaged, she said, "I can now officially ask you be a bridesmaid. Do you want to be one?". Well, of course I said, "YES!" 


He knows exactly what to do to make me feel adored
— Aleah ~ The Bride

I can’t picture life with anyone other than you.
— Anonymous

When I ask Alexiah, <3 I just love that <3, what their favorite quote/song lyric/song was, Aleah whispered, "My Favorite Person". Alex almost immediately exclaimed that, "Yes! That's what we have called each other since we started dating!" This is so unique to them and this will forever be such a neat memory! 

"No longer two but ONE." ~Matthew 19:6

Since Alex & Aleah became engaged, they have started to live out this verse. While making preparations for their big day, to the plans for this session, I loved seeing these two people work as one. 

BTW, don't you just love this knot!?!?!?! TYING THE KNOT!!!!


Isn't this ring GORGEOUS????????????? I can't stop looking at it!!! Didn't they do an awesome job picking it out!? You should see their wedding rings! WOW, is all I can say!!!!! JUST WOW!!!!

"And though a man might prevail against one who is alone, two will withstand him, a threefold cord is not quickly broken." ~Ecclesiastes 4: 12

No matter how old you both get, never stop holding hands, never stop dancing, and never stop saying, "I Love You."
